Working Out...

Well I have started working out again. Today makes day three...three in a row. : ) For me...that's a big deal. Now, I'm not over weight, I am 21 and weigh 123lbs but I haven't been this out of shape in.....well...ever! It seems these last seven months I have just let myself go. All my muscle tone is gone and I'm the weakest I have ever been.

I miss high school today.  I miss the business of my life then and how active I was not so much the drama. I played volleyball, rode horses, jumped on our trampoline everyday (almost), danced....I was involved in everything. I didn't have to think about being in shape or what I ate. I guess you could say I didn't have time to eat! And even when I did I was too busy sleeping or studying! LOL. Oh high school.

I don't know, I guess when I got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism it has really been on my heart and mind that I need to get healthier. I felt the urgency to start exercising again and eating healthier. I'm doing good on the first half...not so much the latter. : ( I will get there though. What I really need to do is stop my caffeine intake! I am a caffeineaholic and I am finding it hard to stop drinking my coke. Especially from McDonald's.

Anyways...I hope to inspire some members of my family to start working out. It's been proven that working out will make your cells younger and I want my loved ones around as long as possible. Who knows...maybe you will start your own routine. Here's to a healthier 2010.


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