Holiday Gifts and Crafts

The holidays are amongst us once again and we have been busy here working on crafts and getting gifts ready for family. This year the kids and I (hubby has to work) are headed to Ohio for Thanksgiving. While I'm there we will also be celebrating Christmas. This will be my first holiday home in SEVEN years, long over due for sure!

Here are a few things we did today.

Reindeer Feet - For this we used finger paint. I simply brushed the paint on the bottom of her foot then had her press on the paper. After that I added the antlers, eyes and nose.
Simple and Sweet Gift

What you will need -
Hershey's Unsweetend Cocoa
White, Orange and Black Construction Paper
Eye Balls
Newborn Socks.
Candy Canes
Hershey's Holiday Kisses (or filling of your liking)
Empty (and clean) baby food jars
Mini Marshmallow

I like to think this is pretty self explanatory but just in case it's not here's how I did this.

I filled the baby food jars with -
2tbs cocoa
2tbs sugar
Pinch (like tiny tiny pinch) of salt 

--- This will need a note with additional ingredients which are 1 Cup Milk and 1/4 TSP Vanilla Extract. 

I then wrapped the jars with the white construction paper and put the faces on. I used the infant sock as the hats by just folding them inside themselves. On the backs I wrote the extra ingredients and directions.

After all that was done I filled the bottom of the mug with kisses, candy cane, snowmen and random small gifts. 


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