I fell off the wagon - Wall Pilates Restart

 So about a month ago, everyone in our house got sick. ALL 9 OF US. Norovirus is AWFUL. We then all got blessed two weeks later with another great illness. Needless to say, I fell off the daily workout wagon and just started back up this week. I have been combining days this time. Today I did days 3 and 5. I felt like my body could handle it and the two videos made up roughly a 30 minute workout. 

As for my weight, I haven't gained and I haven't lost. Still hanging out between 153-155lbs. My figure is starting to revert a bit though, especially my legs because I stopped doing leg workouts. So I'm excited to get back into the groove of things and see how my body transforms this time. It had huge strides last time to me! 

This time, I'm scheduling it into my day. I think if I do that I will be more apt to stick to it, even on the days that I feel like trash.  If you'd like to join me, here is the link to the 28 Day Pilates Beginner Challenge for Weight Loss + Strength Goals

I fell off the fitness wagon after reaching my goals. Here's how I'm  getting back on track.
