Thyroid News = Good??

SOOO I just got some good news (or what I consider good) about my thyroid. My PCMs nurse called about an hour ago and said that my Nuclear Uptake and Scan from Tuesday came back normal. :) With that and my MRI coming back normal the PCM thinks that my thyroid may have just been really inflamed at the time of my first and second BW back in October and November. That is what caused the high readings and possibly the extra long cycle of 73 days. He said that he believes I'm now in the healing stage and that's why my numbers are coming back closer to normal. YAY. 

However, he is having me redo my Thyroid blood work just to make sure the levels are normal there. I am going in tomorrow with the hubby since I have to have my prolactin levels checked anyways....might as well knock it all out at once. I"m just glad I might not be hypothyroid after all. That would be so nice.

I see my OBGYN on the 12th also for a follow up on all of this. I have no idea what she is going to make of all of it!! My body has just been crazy these last few months. Maybe she will decide to just put me on clomid after all of this is done. I have seen Clomid work so quickly for others. I would love to have an October / November and even December would be okay as long as it was early December and not around Christmas.

I'm glad things are starting to look up on my medical work. Maybe we will be blessed with our little bundle of joy within the next few cycles. I will just have to keep praying and asking God for his strength and support through all of this.


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