Rory turned 2 months on Monday. I can't believe it, a lot of people can't believe it. She had her 2 month appt today at 10am. She now weighs 12lbs. 15oz, is 23 3/4" long and has a 16" head. She sure is growing. (The tatas are doing their job nicely) She also got her shots today. She screamed for about a minute after they gave them to her and then she was okay since I got her dressed and ready to leave. The poor baby slept in the car on the way home and then woke up as soon as we arrived -so about 15 minutes. She was all sorts of chipper and talkative so I thought she was going to be one of those that shots didn't really effect - I was wrong. I had to make a run to buy her one of the pony jumperoos (which I have been looking for since I got pregnant!) and of course she slept on the way there. As I was waiting on the arrival of the jumper I got her out of her car seat and we played in the car for a good 20 minutes, she was still in a great mood. On the way back home she slept again. Upon our arrival back home and her waking up she decided that the vaccines were taking effect. She has been a cranky but since about 1pm. She spent a good 30 minutes just crying. I ended up giving her a little bit of Little Remedies Little Fevers because her right leg was pretty red and swollen where they gave her the shots. I feel so terrible for her as I know her little thigh is hurting. Her left thigh seems to be doing just fine but then again it didn't get stabbed twice. At about 2:10pm she decided to go back to sleep. I have her stripped down to just her diaper since it's a nice day out and she is sitting in front of the windows with the breeze coming in. I hope for her sake her leg doesn't bother her all night. I hate seeing my baby achy. :(
Giving dad they What the heck are you doing holding me and not the cow
(mom) look. |
First trip the park to watch daddy play football |
Today passed out after her shots |
Galloping Pony Jumper $30 from Craigslist :)
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