Christmas Shopping in September?

Oh yes friends, Christmas shopping has begun! I couldn't pass up the opportunity I have gotten the last few days on a few products. I just need about 2-3 things and shopping will be over for everyone except Rory, Joshua, Nieces and Nephews. Oh and how could I forget Roscoe! He always has something - or lot's of somethings. Here's a photo of my big purchase this morning. 

OH and this is has been the most eventful stressful morning in months....
*Drop Josh off at work
*Go to dollar store - snag AWESOME cups
*Get home and realize I do not have wallet
*Call store and they say they can't find wallet
*Sooo I drive all the way back across town (yes other store didn't have the cups!) to find that they have my  wallet - THANK BABY JESUS - Literally, I did this.
*Get home and Rory takes HUGE poop then proceeds to put her nice new pink socks right into it during  the diaper change.  I think I about cried.
*Realize after being home for about 30 minutes that I haven't seen or heard from Roscoe.
*Search house frantically and the yard. I seriously do not recall letting him out and the back gate was open. I think he left on his own when I came inside from the car.... 
*Grab Rory and go outside.
*Roscoe is across the street peeing on a trash can. THANK BABY JESUS AGAIN.

So that all happened between 8:30am and 11am. 
I am pretty sure I'm losing my mind.


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