Planning Our Trip To Ohio

In two weeks little miss and I will be traveling to O.H.I.O :) I am beyond excited to be going home for an entire week. Not only will I get to spend time with family but I will also be taking a riding lesson at my uncles stables (hopefully) Stillwater Valley Farm and attending the Dayton Horse Show. I am thrilled to be heading back to my stomping grounds as a child and teen. It will be great seeing all the people who made such a huge impact on my life during those years.

One other thing I'm hoping to do while home is to possibly make a trip to Kentucky....Versailles, KY. There are a few very special trainers there that I've always wanted to meet up with and never had enough time. I actually showed their Hackney Pony Mario, a fabulous Roadster Pony under saddle. I'm hoping to get in touch with them this week! Below are some photos of me with just a few of the horses I was blessed with. I plan to get back into riding full time after August :)
Me and Mario in Lawrenceburg, KY 2004
Me and my sisters horse Annuity just a a few short weeks after purchasing him and first show with him in Louisville, KY 2004. He was a great five gaited Saddlebred
My and my five gaited Saddlebred Mr, Carpenter AKA Conan in 2004 at the Ohio State Horse Show
Me and King Lee. He was the first Hackney Pony I ever showed and I loved him dearly. I began showing him at 9yrs old and this photo was taken in 2004 at 16yrs old. We showed in Fine Harness up until then when we made the switch to Pleasure Driving. He is a pony that I will always remember as gentle and understanding. No pony could ever come close to how great he was.


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