Not Ever Going To End

I have a bad feeling about my nausea / morning sickness and that's that it is never going to end. Don't get me wrong, kid #2 hasn't been awful to me 24/7, no he or she likes to give me a break for 2-3 days, just long enough to think it's gone and then there I am again over the toilet. The husband is starting to feel bad for me I think and by now Rory is used to it. She even leaves me to myself now when I run to the bathroom.`Below has become a nightly (and not nightly) prayer as of late with me coming to the end of the first trimester...

Hey God,

I hear 2nd trimester is supposed to be better. Think we could make that happen? As much as I love peering into my clean toilet on a daily basis, I feel I could serve the world better, or maybe just my family, by hanging out outside the bathroom.


I'm currently 13 weeks 4 days along and this all started early in my pregnancy - like from the get go pretty much. I am more than ready to be rid of all the icky feelings and enjoy being pregnant like I did with Rory. I have an appt tomorrow, will just be a regular check up - making sure the heartbeat is well and all. I'm actually looking forward to it. It's hard for me to believe that in 6-7 weeks we will be finding out what this little bean is. I may not be feeling that wonderful but at least it's going by quickly!

Here's a photo of me at 12 weeks - growing growing :)


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