A little about us

This is my first entry on what has seemed like a never ending TTC journey. I suppose I will start with telling you a little bit about us so far.

Me- Ashley, 21 yrs old and an animal science / equine studies major

Husband- Joshua, 24 yrs old and in the AF reserves. He is currently going through AIT again to become a Medical Lab Tech and then plans to get his PA degree.

We have a fur child named Roscoe Brown. He is an AKC, Stag Red Min Pin that's two years old. We would love to breed him but haven't found the right female as of yet.

We started this journey in October of 2007 when I got two false pregnancy tests while visiting my family in Ohio. We had only been together for about 3 months but when I came home and told him I might be pregnant neither of us could have been more thrilled. After the first two tests I got multiple negative results which made me go to the dr for a pregnancy test there...which came out negative also. We were both heartbroken even though in hind site there was never a baby to begin with. From that day on we have tried to conceive a child.

I stopped my birth control the day I got the tests. I didn't want to take any chances if I was somehow pregnant and I haven't taken them since. For the first 12-14 months of trying we just sort of let nature take it's course and if we ended up pregnant then we would have been thrilled. We never did. So about this time last year we really started actively trying to have our first child. The problem was that I wasn't having regular cycles so it was difficult.

October 30th of this year I went in for my first infertility appt. My dr told me that she thinks my body is trying to ovulate and not accomplishing it. At the time of my appt I was on CD 40 and she told me that when my next cycle started to come in on day 3 for labs. Needless to say I DIDN'T start.

I called her on CD 45 and told her I still hadn't started and she had me go in for bloodwork to make sure I wasn't pregnant. I wasn't and on CD50 I started Provera. I am now on CD62 with no sign of AF showing. I wish I knew what to do but I don't.

I am learning to take one day at a time. I have been praying every night and writing in a journal to God asking him why this is happening to me and at the same time thanking him for everything that I have. I know in his time we will have our first little bundle of joy. I'm just finding that waiting is much harder than I thought it would ever be.


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