Like raising horses and cattle....

When I first found out I was pregnant I knew 100% up until about week 7 that we were going to have a boy...and the hubby was 100% girl. Then around week 8 my mind began to wonder because I was nauseous all the time, my entire body broke out and well in general I just felt like crap and you know the old wives tale....Girls take away your beauty....that's what happened. The hubby would tell you other wise but as I said in the post before...he has been focused on my ladies for at least a month now.....

Anywho --
I'm now 13wks 4days along and after much thought, I'm secretly (I think) wanting a little girl. I see all the cute little girl clothes and think wow in a few months I could be dressing my child in sweet. Then I have my niece who I think is playing a big role in my change of heart gender wise because I have never ever wanted a little girl as my first child. I always wanted a boy, always. I just like the idea of a big brother and maybe that's because I'm the oldest and my youngest sibling is a boy and I love sports....boys have so many more Raising a boy and a girl is like raising horses and cattle in my opinion. They are from two different worlds. 

Well what else can I say except in about 6-8 weeks I will hopefully be finding out the gender of the little blessing that has been quickly growing inside me, both physically and emotionally. Whatever the outcome may be I know that he or she will be greatly loved and adored by the entire family, Grandparents especially...

Joshua and I just can't wait to find out and I think my mom is more anxious than we are because it's her first grandbaby. But you know, I have been thinking.....maybe we will wait to tell everyone until we have the shower....maybe make it a surprise in the cake color or something....yeah right who am I kidding...I can't keep a secret that long. Not when it comes to our little bean. :)


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