Hit the mother load

My mom, great aunt and gma are in town. They got here yesterday around noon and since about 3pm yesterday our little girl as accumulated at least $500 worth of clothes and other items. I would say my aunt has spent a good $250 of that. She just gets on a roll when she is shopping. I'm pretty sure all cute carter clothes have been purchased for little girls. I will try and put up photos of some of my favorite ones...even though almost everything was approved by me while shopping so it's going to be hard to pick certain ones. 

I have to be honest. I was not expecting my family to go out this weekend and spend THIS much money on our little one. My mom is still wanting to throw a baby shower as is the hubbies family and the church! We are going to have so much that we won't know what to do with it! I think this child might have clothes until she's two at the rate my family is going. LOL. I told them today that the limit was 12 months because we have no idea how big our little one with be! They stopped at 9 months I think....so she has clothes up until next fall / beginning of winter right now.

I love my family.


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