36 Week Appt

Had my 36 week appt yesterday. I'm now dilated to a 2 but still thicker. Next Monday I should be able to set up the induction day. It will either be the 12th or the 19th of April. My due date is the 15th and falls on a Monday. My dr only induces on Fridays if it's not an emergency induction.

Over all I'm feeling pretty good but I'm getting more tired each day. Yesterday I actually got to take a 2hr nap which was great until last night when I laid in bed awake all night - lesson learned. So when I got up today I decided I wasn't going to let my sleep deter me and I will stay busy. I have gone to the store and picked up some items I will need after baby is born, cooked breakfast and made some pretty good and simple cookies. I will share the recipe in another post.

Saturday - yesterday I worked on rearranging Rory's items to make room for baby brothers and washing all the clothes / blankets he will use. Luckily he doesn't have many clothes yet! My diaper bag is now packed and ready to go as well. If he does make an early arrival I want to be ready. I would not trust the hubby (no offense babe) to pack a bag for me if he needed to, half the stuff wouldn't be in there! So here's what I've put into my diaper bag this go round....

Take home outfit for little guy

Blanket to cover up carseat / little guy
Toothbrush and paste
Glasses / Contacts / Contact Solution and carrier
Hair Clips / Head Band
Book --- To be honest though last time I watched TV and talked to the nurses
Nursing pads
Nursing cover for when I have visitors
Clothes for me --- I will be wearing home what I wear to the hospital to save space.
Snacks --- most likely crackers, raisins and maybe some homemade cookies if I have some on hand.

That's it. Last time I packed way more than I ever should have and this time I'm packing light. I didn't even get out of my hospital gown when I had Rory, used the hospital undies, pads and witch hazel wipes. Oh and I won't be packing diapers or anything like that because again, hospital provides them while I'm there and I can take the extra stuff with me. I should mention that when I had Rory I was induced, arrived at the hospital at 7am on Friday, had her at 8:45pm that night and was sent home around Noon on Sunday. My stay was not long at all!

Anyway, that's the news with me. Not much longer to go now and I feel much more prepared for him making an early arrival if he chooses too :)


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