Calloway Thomas Has Arrived

Our little guy made his appearance on 4/9/13 and is just perfect! He was born at 39wks 1day weighing 9lbs 9oz and measuring in at 22 inches long! So many people have commented on how he looks more like a one month old than a newborn but I think he's just right.

I know many of you like to read birth stories so here is the short (sort of) and sweet version of mine. 

I was due to be induced at 7am on April 9th, 2013, at 6:25am I received a phone call telling me my induction had been delayed due to rooms being full. Later that morning I was called back and given a go ahead time of 12:30pm to check in to labor and delivery. We got into our room at 1pm where the promptly started taking my vitals, information and hooking me up to my IV. At 2pm my dr showed up and did a quick cervix check where I was 4cm and 80% effaced, at my appt the day before I was 3cm and 70%! He decided he would be breaking my water right then and there, then 30 minutes later pitocin was started for me (yeah, we didn't even get that far!). I quickly progressed from this point and around 5:00pm my epidural was put in and ended up not working all the way. I could feel the contractions in my abdomen but everything else was numb....go figure. I went from a 7cm to birth within two hours. Josh actually almost had to catch him because I was pushing with him and the nurses at one point. From start to finish it was a 5hr labor and delivery. Calloway Thomas entered the world at 7:17pm. 

He couldn't be more perfect. We are all in love and Rory is being an amazing big sister!



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