700 Club and God
I don't know if those who read this believe in God....but I watch the 700 club show about three times a week to pass the time from 2pm-3pm.
Well at the end of the show or somewhere in the show they always do like prayer healing things and two people go back and forth as to what they see God doing ... or what God is telling them.
Anyways....today I actually paid attention to it. The very last thing they said while doing this was...
There is a young lady who has been having difficulty conceiving and has been on this journey with her loved one for a while. God has heard your prayers and you will conceive in a short time.
Okay.....like I said I don't know if you believe in God or not....but today my OPK was the shade lighter than + and now I have heard that. In general today I have just had a good feeling since I woke up about this cycle. I know I could be taking this all out of proportion...but it's the first day I actually sat and watched the show. And I just happened to be thinking about getting pregnant when she said that. IDK...it's nice to think about I suppose.
I do have faith in God. I believe it's been our faith in Him that has gotten us this far. Joshua and I have been discussing a lot lately how God has been blessing us over and over since we got married in June. He has truly been a major part of our lives these last few months. We know he is capable of anything.
Faith ~ Hope ~ Love
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