Lab Results....No Dr Call Yet....Shhh Don't Tell

My husband brought home my results.

My prolactin and TSH are still High.

Prolactin was in the 30s last test and now almost at least that went down some. The normal high though is 22.

My TSH is 6.41 and the normal high for that is 4.70 and most don't like to see it over 2. So

My FT4 was normal...on the low end of normal.

Anyways...what all of this means is that I have Hypothyroidism. I'm not really sure if she will make me do a MRI I haven't actually heard from her.

I really hope I hear from her today. I know she's going to tell me I have to get an ASAP appt with my PCM for my thyroid. UGH...I'm so tired today.....tired of waiting to find out what's wrong with me. I mean in the last two months I have been told I could have HPV and now all of this....I just hate it. Why can't I just be normal?


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