No more clomid
At least not right now. Joshua and I had a talk this morning and he said he doesn't want me to do another round right now. His reasoning is because after June he isn't sure where we will be financially since he won't be active duty status anymore and instead a reservist once again. I have to admit that as much as it sucks to hear all of this I have been feeling the same way. My body just started to be normal again thanks to my thyroid meds and I'm afraid the clomid may do something to mess it up or send my ovaries into crazy over drive since they are working right now and then ruin them. That would be no good either.
So I guess there will be no more clomid in my near future. Maybe after another year if we still aren't able to get pregnant I will look into it again. For now though, it's the all natural way. I mean we are only 22 and 25 so it's not like my clock is really ticking and I have to have a child right now or I will be too old. I think if in another year we aren't pregnant I will have the dr check my eggs too to see how good they are. That could always be a factor and it's the only thing they haven't checked yet.
On a good note....I have a job now. I'm working in the lawn and garden department at walmart. I think I will like it there but it's hard to say really since I just started yesterday and that was just eight hours of paperwork and watching movies. LOL. Today I will be working on the computer doing some training and hopefully tomorrow I will be on the sales floor. :)
Monday Joshua and I are going back to Swansea to get our bed, couch, tv and whatever else we have left there to bring back to Springfield. It will be nice to sleep on our bed again instead of the crappy futon. Then on Monday evening we are going to look at a truck. It's a 66 Ford F150...I know we already have one and Joshua's dad has one but the one we have doesn't run and this one it's an automatic with automatic steering. :) So I can drive it. LOL. The picture is below.
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I hope it gets less drab here so when I'm working it's nice and sunny instead of clouds with rain.
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