90 days to go
Well I'm 27weeks today and at the end of my second trimester. According to the ticker at the right of this post I have 90 days until our Rory's due to be here! I figure I will go by that one since the other at the bottom of the page says 91...lol.
It seems like every week is passing faster and faster right now. I've just got this feeling that once I get to a certain point...like 30wks time is going to start dragging. I'm really hoping that with it being the holidays time won't go too terribly slow. I just keep telling myself that once Christmas rolls around I have roughly 6wks to prepare for our little girl, unless she decides to show early!
On another note - I think I found a great deal on BG cloth diapers! Go me! A woman bought her granddaughter a set of like 12 BG diapers, some organic some not, but I'm pretty sure they are all AIO's which would be awesome. There is also either a pack of prefolds or cloth wipes, I can't figure out which yet. Anywho, she is wanting $13 a piece for them which is a steal, especially for the organics which run in the $20-$25 range each and the other ones are around $17. I've sent the woman an email asking how much she would take for the entire set. I'm really hoping she says around $125-$150 because for the entire lot at $13 a pop it would really be like $170. I'm not sure what I'll do if she wants that price...probably just buy a few organic and a few regular.
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