Since we made the decision for me to stay home I have been more tired than ever. All I want to do is sleep. I could sleep for hours...if I could fall asleep. See this is my dilemma, I try to sleep but I wake up every 1-2 hrs to go to the bathroom or simply readjust because I become uncomfortable. Another factor is that where Joshua works...they like to change up his schedule. One week or day he could be working 8:30am-5:30pm and the next he could be working 2pm-11pm or even 4pm-3am like last night. It throws me all off when they change his schedule. I really hope they switch him to the 9-9 three days a week and 9-3 on saturdays like he requested. It would be nice to have something set.
Anyway...back to sleeping. I really wish I understood why I'm more tired now than I was when I was working. Maybe it's because I'm not interacting with people as much in a person to person manner. Maybe it's because managers aren't walking up to me every ten minutes asking me to do something so instead I'm sitting at home trying to force myself to stay active. I have even started walking with a girl I've known for about three years here. We walk about an hour a day...roughly 3 miles. I'm hoping that it will at least keep my body is some sort of condition because I don't want to get too lazy before I push this kid out.
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