Fear of labor
I had my first real labor pain fear last night. I woke up around 4am and went to the bathroom. Before I crawled back into bed the thought that in roughly 90 days I will lying in a hospital bed in pain...pushing out a child. Of course the next thought was...screw that...she can stay in there! LOL...I know that's not going to happen so I started reasoning with myself. This conversation in my head about pain and suffering and how it will all be worth it only lasted a quick minute but I can remember it very well. I'm pretty sure it's all stemming from the pelvic pain I've had the last few days...nights mostly really. I can no longer sleep on my stomach either because it's painful which is also upsetting due to the fact that I can barely sleep now. Oh and let's not forget the crazy dreams I've been having the last several nights...they can't be helping. Basically my mind and body have gone into overdrive all at the same time so I can't blame my conscience for being all...Umm...Are you sure you want to go through this? I HAVE NO CHOICE NOW. LOL.
On another note -- I'm getting the BG cloth diapers today! Woo me! Going to be paying $160 for the lot but cloth diaper people assure me it's a great price. Here's what the lot looks like. Sorry it's not the best photo..I stole it from the CL listing.
6 organic AIO and 7 regular AIO....not sure what the blue ribbon thing is yet! |
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