Hormones = B Word
My pregnancy hormones kicked into high gear tonight. Not sure what triggered it. I have been tired all day. I went to bed at 10pm last night with contractions - had them all night - woke up with contractions. Then I had them off and on all day. So maybe that could be why I just want to cry and punch something at the same time.
My poor husband - when I picked him up from work I told him that we are taking the car to be looked at Monday like he had asked. Then he started asking about cost and I just lost it because I had just got done telling him word for word what the service manager told me. I was yelling at him for absolutely no reason other than the fact that I couldn't answer the questions that he wanted because I didn't know. He was like why the hell are you yelling at me and kept asking me what was wrong over and over. I just didn't talk the rest of the way home -- I just wanted to cry instead. When we were turning the corner to our house I told him that nothing was wrong, that I'm just in a bad mood. That I'm pregnant and every once and a while I'm going to be in a bad mood - I have that right. His response was but you haven't been so far and I don't want to make up for the last 7 months of good attitude in the last 7wks. I just smiled and told him that the next few weeks I'm probably going to be a mess.
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