Best stuff comes homemade with love

We got a gift in the mail today from Joshua's Aunt and Uncle that couldn't make it to our baby shower because they were sick. I have to admit - out of all the gifts we've gotten these are probably the best. I love homemade gifts. There just seems to be more heart involved when someone actually makes a gift. Now I realize not everyone is crafty so don't think I'm saying EVERYONE should make a gift but when on that rare occasion someone does, there always seems to remain a soft place in my heart for it years after. 

I'm just a little handkerchief,
Quite square as you can see,
But with a stitch or two they made
A bonnet out of me.

I'll be worn home from the hospital,
Or on the Christening day,
Then neatly pressed and folded,
I'll be carefully packed away.

On her wedding day a bride must have,
Traditionally, something old...
Good luck, good health and happiness
It brings her, so it's told.

Then what could be more pleasant
Than to unpack little me,
To snip a stitch or two and find
Her handkerchief I'll be.

And if I'm first worn by a boy
He'll surely someday wed;
Then he can give his lovely bride
The hanky once worn on his head.

I love love love these bibs! I have been wanting to make some but either A- forget to buy the materials, B- Don't have the money to buy the materials or C- I just don't have time. I'm soo happy to have some now though and aren't they the cutest!


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