What is worth all the pain?
Our little Rory is worth all the pain and the pain I'm talking about is breastfeeding. That's right - it hurts for those who will be new mommies and breastfeeding is in your future. Don't get me wrong though - after the first few seconds or minutes the pain goes away** and you have a beautifully content baby sucking away sometimes with open eyes looking up at you and sometimes eyes closed trying her best not to fall back to sleep. There is nothing in the world that can compare to the bond you make with your little one while nursing. You get to feel their every movement and that sweet little hand rubbing your side when it slips down in between your arm and rib cage. But you know the thing I like best about breastfeeding? It's when Rory is done. She gets this adorable little smile with a drunk look in her eyes and lets me slowly slide out of her mouth. I'm pretty sure it's one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. It's as if she's saying thank you mom that was great eating before she nods off to sleep.
** Pain doesn't really go away - just feels better. You will have sore nipples for weeks so lansinoh becomes a best friend. Then there is engorgement that will make your breast ache to the touch of anything and forget trying to lay on them. Luckily I've only dealt with little of this because she eats every 2-3 hours (I do not pump ... yet)
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