Take time to hug your little one

Today when I got on facebook I saw a link to a blog from two different friends located in two different states. They do know one another but only through BZ just as I know them - just as I know several of my facebook friends now. The link went to one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever read. A mother and father lost their four month old daughter when she stopped breathing at the babysitters on Feb 17th, 2011. Her funeral is today. If you would like to read this families story you can go to http://kandjstaats.blogspot.com/ This mother has done what I consider an amazing job to continue blogging about the process they have been through this last week. I know if it were me I would not be able to do so. Today she asks that if you have a little girl you put a bow in her hair as her daughter wore them almost everyday.

Today I ask that you hug all of your little babies and hold them close to you. God puts each person on this earth for a reason and he also needs angels of all ages. We never know when one of our loved ones will become one of God's Angels.

My heart goes out to each family who has lost a child and for today all of my thoughts and prayers are with this family as they put their Maddie to rest.


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