Shortly after Rory turned 4 months old I started her on baby foods. I believe I started on June 17th - so I've been doing this for only about 11 days now and haven't done everyday. I started because 1) Dr. said I could and 2) she took the banana right out of my hand and started gnawing on it. I figured it was her way of telling me, "Hey woman, I've tried to be nice about telling you I want food but you keep ignoring me. Therefore I will just take your food". So far she has had rice cereal, carrots, green beans and avocados. I also gave her a little bit of mushed up banana the day she took mine and that was the start of this adventure.
She has done really well with everything and I put my breastmilk in everything when making it which I'm sure helps a little. The only thing she hasn't really cared for is the avocado but Joshua said it wasn't ripe yet so that could be why (I tasted it too and I do not like it either). She has one more day of greenbeans then I'm going to try the avocado again. She has also stopped going poop everyday which is odd for me because she was a once a day (at least) pooper. Makes the cloth diapers a little easier to clean though not going to lie.
Anyway I have gotten photos each day she starts a new food and then a video of her today. You will find them below.
Day she took my banana and you can't see it but she has it on her face |
Rice Cereal |
Avocado - not impressed |
Carrots - she really likes them but only got them one day cause they are packed with stuff and made her poop right away |
Green beans. Today was day 3 of them and she finally pooped again |
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