Why are you in such a good mood? Who Me?

This morning when I woke up I was in an unusually great mood. I got up three times in the night to feed Rory as usual and then was out of bed by 6:30am. Even Joshua said what have you done and why are you so happy?  He even sent me a text before he got into the shower and I JUST got it. LOL.

Maybe getting up early and knowing I didn't have to make a lunch for the hubby was what did it but I don't think so. BTW -- I make him breakfast and lunch every morning before he goes to work. So should he not just be thankful for that? Jeez man.

No, I think my reasoning for being so chipper today is thanks to my scholarship from yesterday. I have noticed over the last several months that God has truly been blessing me, blessing us, and answering my prayers even when I have to wait for it. He gave us a beautiful daughter, we have a nice place to live, food (even if it is just cereal and ramen sometimes), two vehicles (one we don't drive), and the abilities to pay our bills each month thanks to Joshua being blessed with a great job. There isn't anything in our lives we need that we go without. In all honesty, we have more than we need and would be better off if we didn't spend our money on silly things like fast food all the time. 

Before I get too far off topic and start rambling about nothing I will finish with saying I hope this good mood of mine lasts and so does the hubby! I have been rather grumpy lately and I don't really care for it. I just have to remember God is Good he is doing amazing things in my life therefore when times seem hard I need to look to him for guidance. Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you all are enjoying lovely weather and smile -it might confuse someone, I know it did in my household.


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