DIY Korker Bows

Thread your needle and tie a knot a few inches from the end. Next you will stand your needle. Luckily I have a crevice in my table where it extends so I can stick the needle there. If you don't have this then get a thin piece of cardboard and stick the needle through it and then tape down the cardboard. This will hold the needle still.

Place ribbon on needle in opposite directions. make sure pattern is on top if you have pattern ribbon. The first pieces will be the front of your korker so be sure you use what you want to be right there in front for everyone to see.

Continue to do this with all colors you have.

I used 24 pieces of 4" inch ribbon that had been previously cut in half in the Baking Grosgrain Ribbon For Korkers tutorial.

Next you will pull your ribbon through the korker until the knot hits it - be careful not to pull too hard because the knot will go through part of all of ribbon and you will have to start over. When pulled through you should have something that looks like above photo. Go ahead and sew through the center of the korker as if sewing on a button. I usually do 4-5 stitches. Once stitching is finished you will tie a knot (or two or three knots) at the top cent of the bow with the two ends. Clips ends off so no thread is showing.

Now you have the korker and hair clip you are putting it on. I chose a fully lined alligator clip that matches my korker.

Run hot glue along the top of the clip and place on back of korker where you would like.

Should have something that looks like this.

After assembly I starch my korkers so that they hold the curl better. I do not bake in starch because they come out to crispy for my liking. This way I let them air dry and they are still soft and bouncy and should I ever need more starch I can just spray them again.

I hang my korkers upside down from my cabinet handles so that the starch doesn't weigh them down and they look full when dry.

Finished 4" Korker Bow

You can find this in my etsy shop
She's my little Model for all things....sorry the photo is sort of blurry. She doesn't stay still long!


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