Here are some photos from the Ohio trip. Rory and I had a great time. Got to see family and friends we hadn't seen in years, I got to ride at my uncles farm went to a horse show, baby shower and the state fair. It was a week full of activities. 

First stop at the Rolla park

Stuck in slow moving / occasionally stopped construction traffic

Gma drying Rory off after a sink bath

Playing kickball with her great gpa

pooped after a 3 hour baby shower

Playing ball with uncle Alan

Let's play in the water!

Went to visit great great gma and gpa

Hanging with momma by the water

Auntie Angel

Butter Display at Ohio State Fair

You can't catch me GG!

The other GG and Rory at the Horse Show

Watching the winning horse with Auntie Angel

An old horse friend of mine. We rode at the same stables at kids.

St. Louis on the way back home


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