25 Days of Family - Advent Calendar

This year I decided I wanted Christmas to be more about family - more specifically family activities. So today I decided to make a 25 Days of Family Calendar and we will begin using it on December 1st.

This was such an easy project and I didn't have to buy anything! I simply used what I had in my house and let's be honest, it might be a lot more random items than you all have lying around your home.

Supplies I used:

Cork Board
Scrap Fabric for boarder
Green and Red card stock for the days
Black marker for dates
Green Marker for writing inside
Push Pins
Card Stock scraps for the title.
Hot glue.

So I hot glued my scrap fabric to the boarder of the cork board.

Then cut up my card stock into four pieces.

I then Folded those pieces in half and wrote 1-25 on each one (1 on one, 2 on another.... and so on). On the inside I wrote down the activity for our family to do. Example - Make homemade hot chocolate or watch a Christmas movie. Really you can do whatever your family enjoys! We still have young children so ours has to be simple.

Once I completed that I folded them shut and put a push pin the bottom right corner so that they would stay shut and on the board.

For the title I just used some random shades of stock paper and made a very simple title - 25 Days Of Family.

Here's the end result! I think it turned out pretty cute for doing it on a whim. :)

Tomorrow I'll show you my super simple but cute holiday chalk board!


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