Baskets on the Wall

I love counter space. If we ever build a home my hubby knows that one requirement is counter space. Not just for appliances but an area where I can work and not feel like a microwave, fruit bowls or coffee maker is attacking me. I do not like clutter and right now my kitchen counter tops are just that - cluttered. I need organization bad in there!

Getting to my point - a few months ago I pinned someones pin who had pinned a pin...and so on and so on. This pin was of wire flower baskets that people are now hanging on their kitchen walls to get items up off the counter, such as fruit and produce. Today I ran into Big Lots and low and behold they had flat backed ones for $7 a piece so I snatched up two of them. They are now hanging in my kitchen full of potatoes and the other with fruit. I will probably go back this weekend and get two more to make my wall look more even.

Note -- I wanted to take out the filler but the spaces are just too wide and the items fall through. If you wanted to use these for stuffed animals or something they would be great without the fillers.


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