Menu 15

It's been quite a while since I've shared a menu. The hubby and I didn't take a break from making them but have been working on ways to better our foods while keeping our grocery bills around $60 a week. Some weeks we get by with $40 and others it's more like $70.

Here is our menu for this current week. The food for this week cost us about $60.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner

December 24th, 2012
Boiled Eggs,Cereal Fruit Left Overs Vegetable Soup

Tuesday Mini Pancakes and Bacon Christmas at Inlaws Christmas at Inlaws
December 25th, 2012
Boiled Eggs, Blueberry Oatmeal and Toast Christmas Leftovers Potato Soup and Cube Steak
December 26th, 2012
Boiled Eggs, Jelly Toast and Cheerios Turkey Croissant Sandwich, Potato Soup and Cube Steak Creamy Chicken Enchiladas, White Rice and Refried Beans
December 27th, 2012
Boiled Eggs, Oatmeal, Cheerios, Toast Enchilada Leftovers Taco soup and chicken drums
December 28th, 2012
Boiled Eggs, Cereal, Toast Taco Soup and Turkey Croissant Sandwich Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy and Peas
December 29h, 2012
Blueberry Oatmeal and Jelly Toast Leftovers Loaded Baked Potato and Chili


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