Getting Big

The "I do not care for you now mom" look
Being silly and playing with a burp cloth mommy made for her

She kept covering up her face and trying to get her feet.



In the chair for the first time today. It's at an incline but she rather enjoyed sitting in her big girl seat.
Rory growing way too fast - I need a pause button because she is going to be 15wks tomorrow.

Her hair is laying down now as you can tell from the last photo. It makes me sad to see that because it was the last thing I had to hold on to from her being a newborn. Even Joshua is sad that it's not standing up anymore, it was just who she was. A beautiful little girl with hair that stood straight up! I gave her a bath today and tried to stand it up but it just laid itself over and the photo of her in the chair is the end result. Her hair is beautiful no matter what though - sometimes I'm jealous!


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