Rory does not like the heat

So my poor baby girl isn't caring too much for this high 80's weather we've been blessed with the last two days. She has been sooo fussy. I think the fussiest she's ever been for no reason. Today she cried for 15 minutes before I picked her up and took her outside. I discovered that's what she wanted so took her back in the house and put her in her stroller. I moved the stroller in front of the door and she fell asleep within minutes. I ran outside to start mowing the grass and when I came back in 15 minutes later she was wide awake just lying in her stroller looking at the trees blow in the wind. The happy phase only lasted a while and then she became fussy again. She cried and cried and cried - even while I held her. Anytime I tried to put her down she would scream like someone was hurting her. I'm sure the neighbors thought I was trying to kill her since all the house windows are open. Anyway, after another 20 minutes of screaming she finally fell asleep , so I laid her on the couch and she has been sleeping for over two hours! I got the rest of the front yard mowed and some dishes done in that time. She is stripped down to just her diaper but has a heat rash on her belly still. I don't know what I'm going to do the rest of the summer if we decide to keep the air off.


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