35 wks - Where is time going?

For all those who said the last few weeks go by slowly - ARE YOU CRAZY?! I am almost 100% sure time is going faster. Maybe it's because it's my first and I am both ready and not ready for her to be here and I just have this feeling that she is going to arrive before 40wks. Or maybe it's just because of the holidays, birthdays, baby shower and just life in general. The hubby and I actually had a conversation the other night while lying in bed that this last year has gone so quickly and that time isn't going to slow down from here, not with chasing around a little one and eventually a few little ones. I just can't get over that I'm already 35wks pregnant! In two weeks I will be considered full term and at that time she can make her arrival and have an awesome chance at not being put into NICU at all. 
I have an appt on Thursday. Going to be doing my pelvic exam and strep B test. Part of me wants to hear that she could come early but the other part of me is saying stay in there little one - mommy and daddy aren't prepared yet! You know, I keep saying Joshua is the one who is more nervous, but I think as we get closer I'm starting to take his spot. I just know I'm going to cry when I go into labor because I'll feel like I'm not ready - like we're not ready. I know when we see her all of our worries will fade away - even if just for a second. Then reality will hit us again and we will have a whole new set of worries as we take our little bundle of joy home. Until then though I'm going to enjoy my last few weeks of this wonderful pregnancy - our little miracle baby in my opinion. God knew we were ready when he granted us with the blessing of our daughter. He wouldn't give us something so precious if we couldn't love and take care of it properly.

35 wks


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