Baby Shower Date Set
January 30th we will be having our baby shower at the church. It will be a combination of church members, family and friends. I'm just hoping that I'm still pregnant at that point...I will be 38wks 5days along so she could go at anytime at that point. There is something that's going to be on my mind though and that's my presence in the church. Last week I wasn't there because I was feeling like crap which led into me being sick this entire week, today I'm not there because our car is still in the shop and we don't like to drive our 66 all over town if it's not necessary and next weekend I will be with the hubby for his reserve weekend three hours away (he won't let me stay here in case I go into labor). My MIL says I need to make my presence known so that I don't look like I'm just showing up for the gifts....which is totally not the case. First of all I will be there the 15th and 22nd and the weekends after I have Rory. Secondly, it's not like I go to church a few times a year. I'm actually a member there and help lead church music with three other people. Life has just gotten the best of me these last few weeks I suppose. I hope I don't seem like I'm being greedy because I'm really trying not to be. I was perfectly fine with not having a shower at all because it's so close to the holidays and we already have so much stuff. There are a few things that we could use but it's nothing we couldn't live without you know...or get on our own.
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