38wk appt

Just got back from the doc and I had the NP since doc is out of the office. Not any change...still 1cm dilated and her HR was 150 (she didn't tell me about effacement). She asked me if we decided on the induction and I told her that if  I haven't had her by the 10th then we will go ahead and induce. So she is going to talk to Dr. Ting and see if he wants to schedule the induction for the 10th or 11th. She said more than likely he will go with the 11th because Fridays are better for him than Thursdays. My next appt in on the 3rd (this was the earliest I could have been induced and I know next Thursday I will be wondering why I'm in an appt instead of at the hospital preparing to meet our daughter). So it looks like me and the hubby are going to have to step it up a notch if I don't want to be induced.This will included drinking more raspberry tea, walking, DTD, pineapple juice and dancing. I refuse to do castor oil ... ick.


  1. She is almost here, Yay! I can't wait to see pictures of her and know her name.

    You have an award on my blog.


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