Me? An Award?

I want to give much thanks to Erin over at A Journey to Our Baby for awarding me with one of the 15 blogs she adores. I am very appreciative of this award and so glad that Erin has been one of my followers from the time I started blogging about TTC. She is now 20wks pregnant and has a wonderful blog everyone should check out.

The rules for accepting this award are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you the award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 other bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

7 Things About Myself

1. I'm pregnant with a beautiful little girl and due in roughly 2wks. I'm hoping she shows up before then though.

2. I will one day own my own horse stables and train children through adults in saddle seat.

3. My hubby and I have plans to move to a farm within the next year or so if we can get our stuff together and the ball rolling.

4. We are going to be a cloth diapering family :)

5. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to my family back in Ohio but I wouldn't give up living here in MO - it's wonderful here in the Ozarks.

6. I spend more money than I should. This will have to stop. LOL.

7. I used to have a passion for stiletto shoes - now I live in sandals but would rather be living in jods and the barn.

15 Blogs I adore:

Thank you to all the blogs that have gave me so many ideas and kept me going since I began blogging in November 2009.


  1. You're too kind, too kind. I love following your blog and can't wait to see your daughter.

  2. Congratulations and blessings! Thanks so much for your comment and award. :)

  3. Thank you! You know I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and ideas so of course I had to give you this award back!

  4. Thanks, lady <3 Can't wait to see pictures of your bundle of joy!

  5. Thank you so much for the award!!! And most of all--Congratulations!!! Your journey is truly inspiring!


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