36 wk Appt
My appt went great. I'm still measuring at 34 but I'm 1cm dilated!The NP said I'm still pretty thick though and I also gained 4lbs in 6 days - yeah lets not talk about that. Her HB was 153 and she's head down :) So everything is looking good. They are also giving me the option to be induced even though I haven't had any complications. She said to just let her know in the next two appts so they can get the paper work filled out if I want to be. So now I don't know if I want to be or not! I told her I didn't but at the same time if I knew when I was having her then my family could be here or at least make plans to be here the following day. Another thing is that if I'm induced then I will have my dr and not run the chance of getting the on call dr. My OB is extremely busy and is the only dr in his practice so he is always out delivering babies and such. Another thing is if I'm induced say the first few days of Feb then Joshua can go to his reserve weekend the12th and 13th and it would be really nice for us to get that money because he has missed a few days of work so this paycheck wasn't so great. If he doesn't go then obviously we will be missing out on that money. It is just a big decision to make because I would really like to go med / epi free and if I am induced then I could have a harder labor that will make me want them. IDK...we will discuss things over the next few days and then see how I'm progressing.
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