God's Word

This past Friday and Saturday my church had a big daycare closing sale where I picked up lots of goodies, one of them being a child's devotional book titled Jesus Calling 365 Devotionals For Kids by Sarah Young. I didn't think much of it besides knowing I had been wanting to get one for Rory and Calloway that we could read each night. This one was / is perfect! It is written from God's perspective and has areas of the Bible for you to read with each daily devotion. I currently read these to Rory at night before we pray and go to bed. I should probably do it in the mornings when she wakes up but I feel she focuses better during her bed routine, so for now we will keep doing it this way.

Sunday my brother in law, who is also our church pastor, preached on spending more time in God's word. That he is the only way we will be fulfilled. I found this sort of ironic Sunday night when Rory's devotional was titled "The Way" with John 14:6 below it. For those of you who do not know it reads, "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life." It hit me like a ton a blocks. I had heard this SO many times before but never had it effected me as it did Sunday. God wants me to spend more time with him, devoting me, myself and I to him. Maybe this little book was meant for my children AND myself.

The devotional went on to say that as long as you are close with God there is no need to worry. No need to wonder if you are heading in the right direction because with God you surely are. Take time to stop and look at all the blessings he has laid out each day, whether it be adventures, scenery or the perfect spot to stop and rest a while. 

Lately, God has been hard at work in my life, making me see these blessings. When my house is quiet because all three kids are sleeping at the same time, when we get unexpected money and can make it through a rough month of finances or when our fridge breaks down and we find a great one for way less than any other is asking. ALL of those are blessings from God. He gives us what we need and we should praise him for it all.

So I ask you, how often do you give thanks to God? Daily? Weekly? Just when something major happens and you know there is no other way it could have happened besides him? How often do you pray, whether it be for wisdom or praise or even out of anger and sadness? Colossians 4:2 reads, "Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving." 

Spend time in God's word. You might be surprised to find that he is trying to speak with you.


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