Tot School Day 3 and other stuff

Today we spent time with and worked on the letter B in their lessons there. If you haven't been to ABCMouse you should totally check them out! They give you the first month FREE and then it's only $8 a month after that. I really love that Rory gets into the music, books and activities. 

We also worked with her name this morning, something we have been doing on a regular basis for months.  I even made a video because she can read and spell her name all on her own. We're working on the writing (she's only 2 1/2).

Tonight we will read We're Going On A Bear Hunt before bed. 

In other news, Rory got an EARLY, very early, Christmas gift. We purchased a bigger outdoor playhouse from the church we attend when they closed the daycare. I had intended on taking it apart and  then store it for a few months. Do you know how much easier it was to let the brother in law load it up on his trailer, deliver it to me and just plop it right in our yard?! Soooo much easier. Rory has had a blast with it today. I'm glad she will get to spend the last months of summer and fall playing with it before it gets to cold to be honest. Maybe I can consider it a starting school gift? 

Our little guy is growing so quickly. I introduced him to the bouncy horse recently and he's really enjoying himself in there. He figured out how to actually bounce yesterday and now he's all about it. He will even try to bounce on us!

Hope everyone had a great day! It seemed to fly by here :)


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